Invisalign for You

If you’re wondering about fixing your crooked teeth, with something like Invisalign, Six Months Smiles, or Smile Direct Club, or maybe even veneers, let me help you out.


It might feel overwhelming, but don’t worry, each person is different, and what works for your friend might not be the right fit for you. So, when you come in for a chat, we’ll discuss whether straightening or veneers or a mix of both is the way to go.


Some people need their teeth straightened, but their teeth are still small or worn. In such cases, you can use veneers, which are like jackets for your teeth, making them bigger and giving them the bold and bright color you want. The best part is, if you ever change your mind, veneers can be removed with little or no change to your natural teeth.


We also take a unique Biomimetic approach to save your natural teeth with “Thinneers,” avoiding unnecessary drilling that could lead to root canals. 


This way you can keep your smile healthy and beautiful!


Veneers can make your teeth look 70 to 95% straighter, but for a more dramatic change (90 to 100%), it’s usually better to straighten your teeth first and then add veneers or “Thinneers” second


If you’re considering options like Invisalign or Smile Direct Club, you can get veneers first, but it’s best to talk with a qualified cosmetic dentist to decide what’s right for you.


We love sharing information with our team, patients, and viewers like you. If you have any questions, leave a comment or give us a call. We also have booklets and handouts that explain more, and we’re happy to share those with you.


Whether you’re ready for a consultation or just exploring options, feel free to reach out to us. We can help you figure out the best approach, even if you’re waiting for your tax return or curious about financing options.


Thanks for reading! Have a fantastic day, and we look forward to seeing you in the future!